North Rim, Grand Canyon

North Rim, Arizona is simply another way of saying the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

It’s less accessible, less crowded, and takes longer to get to. However, it is worth checking out at least once. In my respectful opinion, the views are completely different from the South Rim and it’s also less crowded. You can check it plenty of different hikes that will get you a different angle of the Grand Canyon.

The South Rim is usually much more crowded and it’s really hard to get a different view of the Grand Canyon unless you hike in really far.

In the North Rim, the hikes I would recommend would be Cape Royal, the Rim Trail, and of course North Kaibab to Marble falls; a gorgeous waterfall situated inside the Grand Canyon.

Be sure to check road closures though. The North Rim is only accessible during summer months. If you simply google maps it, you might think the roads are open only to have to either turn around or be stranded.

You won’t be the first tourists to get stranded in the North Rim during winter months.